We pride ourselves on finding accurate information and ensuring that you are always well-informed. Through an evaluation form – that you can find in our FAQ page – we will provide you with all you need to know regarding your eligibility, options, the process and costs involved. No hidden surprises.
As a team we are proud of our work ethics, experience-based knowledge and expertise. We are able to do what we do because we have been down the road ourselves. We do not have offices in the Platinum Tower and we do not wear expensive suits. In fact, we all work from home and, therefore, can offer you the best quality services at a very competitive price.
So, do you want to know the people behind Imapolania? Take a look below and meet the team that will help in your process!
Would you like to join our team? Find our latest vacancies here!
Click on each photo below to know more about us.
You can also see the list of the employees of each quarter on our Hall of Fame page.
Client Operations
Senior Documentation & Polish Office Manager
HR in Charge
Client Operations
Senior Client Operations
Previously I lived in Brazil, Netherlands, and also at the sea.
I like to travel and to know different cultures, I have already been to over 40 countries in 6 continents and counting.
My personal hobbies are basketball, surfing, and cycling.
My work experience is expanding in various fields from entertainment, customer service to software development.
Client Operations - Portuguese
Brazil Office Manager
Client Operations